Like all medical interventions, hair transplantation is preceded by a consultation. As we wrote about this in our previous blog post, during the consultation we establish the diagnosis and create the appropriate, individually tailored therapy plan. We assess whether we are dealing with a type of hair loss that can be remedied with a hair transplant. In every case, we look at alternative therapeutic options, and in our clinic we only recommend hair transplantation when all other treatment methods have been ruled out.
It is important to assess how long the patient has been experiencing hair loss, how fast he or she is losing hair, and the pattern and extent of hair loss. All of these determine the treatment plan. Associated symptoms and hair care habits are important as well. Family anamnesis is often informative, and in the case of androgenic hair loss, the hair condition of the father and maternal grandfather can predict the expected pattern of hair loss in our patient. Medications, eating habits and chronic diseases are also determinants when planning the surgery. The thorough discussion is followed by a physical examination, during which we perform dermoscopy and trichoscopy using a digital microscope, that is, we examine the condition and structure of the scalp and hair.
If the hair transplant plan has been agreed upon, we will proceed together and discuss the laboratory tests to be performed before the operation.
In order to perform the operation safely and guarantee a successful result, it is necessary to make sure that there is no latent disease in the body, a focal inflammation, or an iron deficiency that could negatively affect the intervention. We accept lab results no older than 1 month from the date of surgery. The evaluation of the laboratory results is carried out by an expert doctor, and if we find a deviation that negatively effects the operation, we hold another consultation. Of course, there are very rare cases of deviations that completely exclude surgery. With health preservation purposes, regular laboratory tests are recommended anyways, so this can even be combined with the routine annual test.
And then, there is nothing else left but to set the date of the operation.
In the vast majority of cases, the hair needs to be cut. In all cases, the donor area is cut to 1-2 mm, because this is necessary to extract the grafts. In women, we only cut off the area at the back from which the graft extraction takes place, which usually does not exceed the size of 5-7x10-15 cm, so this area can be covered with the remaining long hair until the hair grows back.
For men, some hair loss patterns can be reconstructed by not cutting the hair on the top of the head and implanting it between, in front of, or behind the long hair. The technical details of which is discussed in advance during the consultation, but there is still the possibility to modify our plans on the day of the operation.
During the preparation, it is worth choosing light clothes with buttons or zippers in the front, so that you do not have to pull the top over the surgical area after the procedure. You have to wash your hair the night before. In the case of fair hair, it is recommended to color the hair roots, because this way it is easier to see the hairs to be extracted during the operation. Haircuts are done in the clinic on the morning of the surgery, so there is no need for a haircut beforehand. If we leave the hair long, we try to create a stylish transition so that the patients leave with a nice hairstyle.
On the day and day before surgery, alcohol should no longer be consumed and smoking is not recommended either. It is also not worth drinking caffeine-containing drinks (coffee, tea) that morning, as this can raise blood pressure, which is a disadvantage during the procedure.
In addition to eating a light breakfast on the morning of the operation, if you have a treated illness (high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.), one must take their medications as usual!
After all this, you just need to take a deep breath and arrive at the clinic at the agreed time.
Aftercare at home after surgery is crucial for cleaning the scalp and help the healing process!
Regeneration is fast, one can return to work after a few days, but for 3 weeks after the operation, sweating, sports, physical work, bending, lifting weights must be avoided, and smoke, steam, dust must not touch the scalp.
The surgical area must be cleaned intensively for one week after the procedure. The implanted area has to be spayed every 2 hours for 3 days with the solution received on the day of surgery. From the 4th day, one should soak the scalp with shampoo foam twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, until the one-week follow-up. After that, it is enough to wash the hair with the soaking method every 2-3 days. After 1 month, pre-intervention routine can be picked up again. From then on, the new hair can be treated in the same way as in its original place, it can be cut, dyed, etc.
The transplanted hairs are 1-2 mm long at the time of transplantation, they start to grow after the intervention, and then fall out after 3-5 weeks. This is a natural process, the hair follicles remain in the scalp, they just shed the hair. After a few months of regeneration time, the hairs begin to grow again, and the final result takes about10-14 months.
If we managed to dispel your fears about the hair transplant process, sign up for a consultation with us.